Cara Mudah Install WordPress di Ubuntu

Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah membahas tentang cara mudah install WordPress di DigitalOcean, di mana cara tersebut hanya bekerja di DigitalOcean. Pertanyaannya sekarang bagaimana kalau mau install WordPress dengan mudah di VPS selain DigitalOcean? Solusinya adalah kita dapat menggunakan WordOps. 0.Tentang…

How fix MikroTik can not be accessed from Ubuntu

To access Mikrotik can use various methods such as through the Winbox, SSH, or Web (HTTP) application. Mikrotik access via SSH and Web (HTTP) can be done if the Mikrotik network interface has been given an IP Address. If there…

How to access Google Drive on Linux Server

Google Drive which is a cloud storage service from Google officially only provides client applications for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. While the Linux version is not officially available, but some developers out there develop client applications for Google Drive,…

How to Fix “curl: (60) SSL certificate problem”

One of my customers has a problem with an SSL certificate (HTTPS). The website is normal when accessed using a web browser, HTTPS runs well. But when accessed using the cURL tool, an error arises and fails to connect to…

Deploy React App on Ubuntu 18.04

React is a JavaScript library that can be used to build user interfaces. React is one of the open source projects of Facebook. This tutorial contains how to install and deploy create-react-app on Ubuntu 18.04. 1.Create User Create a new…