How to access Google Drive on Linux Server

How to access Google Drive on Linux Server

Google Drive which is a cloud storage service from Google officially only provides client applications for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. While the Linux version is not officially available, but some developers out there develop client applications for Google Drive, one of which is rclone.

0.About rclone

rclone is a command line based application that functions to synchronize files and directories from / to various cloud storage services or file server / storage protocols.

Cloud storage services supported by rclone are Amazon Drive, Amazon S3, Box, Ceph, DigitalOcean Spaces, Dropbox, Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, Nextcloud, ownCloud, FTP, SFTP, and many more.

1.Install rclone

Download and extract compiled rclone.

Copy rclone.

Install the rclone manual.

Test the results of installing rclone by displaying the version number.

rclone manual.

or you can also read the official documentation on the rclone website.

2.rclone Configuration

Next do the rclone configuration, add cloud storage that you want to connect to the Linux server.

Run the rclone config command, answer n to make a new connection to cloud storage.

How to access Google Drive on Linux Server
rclone config

Give the name of the connection.

Enter number 12 for Google Drive.



Enter the number 1 to be able to full access the Google Drive.

The directory or subdirectory in Google Drive that you want to be the root folder. No need to fill in if you want to make the root folder in Google Drive the root folder, press enter.


Edit advanced config, answer n.

Use auto config?, answer n.

Browse the link that appears, log in to your Google Drive account, then allow rclone to access the account, and copy the code that appears to paste in the Enter verification code.

How to access Google Drive on Linux Server
rclone config – log in and authorize
How to access Google Drive on Linux Server
rclone requests access to Google account
How to access Google Drive on Linux Server
Google account access code for rclone

Configure it as a team drive ? answer n.

An overview of the configuration is displayed, if you are sure the configuration is correct answer y.

Shown cloud storage connections that have been made before. Answer q to exit rclone configuration.

3.rclone commands

Next, access Google Drive via rclone by using the commands.

Showing files.

Showing directories.

Showing files and directories.

Create directory.

Copy file.

Deleting files, not deleting directories.

Removes empty directories.

Removes files and directories.

4.Mount Google Drive on Linux

rclone can mount Google Drive on Linux.

Make a directory on home directory, and mount Google Drive. The rclone mount command below runs with process ID 2952.

Check the contents of the mount ~ / drive directory, if the contents are the same as those in Google Drive.

Test creating a new file in the ~/drive/Kampus directory. Then compare the contents of the mounted directory with those on Google Drive.

Stop the rclone mount command process located at Process ID 2952.

How to access Google Drive on Linux Server
rclone mount Google Drive

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