How to Install EPrints on Ubuntu 18.04

How to Install EPrints on Ubuntu 18.04

EPrints is a free and open source software for document management system, which is more commonly implemented as a university repository that stores scientific work documents such as thesis, dissertation, and research journals.

0.Install EPrints

Create an EPrints repository file for installation.

Enter the repository eprints address.

Download key repository and updates.

Installing eprints.

Install EPrints
Installing EPrints

1.Creating MySQL User

Login to MySQL with the root user.

Give the password to the root user and create user eprints.

2.Configuring the EPrints Repository

Switch to user eprints and make a repository.

Enter the Archive ID, for example repository.

Configure vital settings, press ENTER.

Enter the hostname / domain / ubdomain used to access EPrints, for example

Webserver Port, press ENTER.

Alias, press ENTER.

Path, press ENTER.

HTTPS Hostname, press ENTER.

Enter an email address for the administrator, for example [email protected].

Enter a name for the repository, for example the Defnex Repository.

Save the core settings, press ENTER.

Database configuration, press ENTER.

For example the name of the database = eprintsdb, user and password = according to the user and password that was created previously.

Create database, press ENTER.

Enter the username and password that was created before.

Create an intial user, press ENTER.

username = admin, type = admin, password = password, email = [email protected].

Do you want to build the static web pages, press ENTER.

Do you want to update the apache config files, press ENTER.

Configure EPrints
Configure EPrints

Exit user eprints.

Enable virtual host eprints and restart apache.


EPrints front page
EPrints front page


  1. selamat siang pak, mau bertanya, bagaimana caranya untuk mengakses di localhost? apakah diperlukan dns? saya sudah berhasil install tetapi masih belum bisa mengakses via web browser

  2. Selamat pagi pak.

    Saya telah mengikuti arahan tutorial bapak dan kelihatannya hasil instalasi selesai dan berhasil. Tp saya ingin menggunakan aplikasi eprints ini secara localhost. Disinilah saya menemui kendalanya. Pd konfigurasi eprints pada bagian hostname saya hanya buat namanya eprints saja. Bagaimana cara agar saya bisa menggunakan eprints secara localhost (non-cloud)? Terima kasih sebelumnya.

  3. Selamat pagi pak. Dari hasil tutorial sdh diikuti tp setelah running localhost( saya tidak bisa login ataupun create user. Timbul web page error atau tdk ditemukan.

  4. Mas, mohon arahan, sya kok nda bisa lanjut dari tahapan ke 2, download key repository dan uodatesnya ga bisa lanjut. kira” masalahnya apa yah? mohon arahan?

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